You can use this property to get or set both the Width and Height properties by accessing a "Size" structure.

Basic operation is the same as Width and Height except the value assigned is a complex object structure.

Provides the same GUI buffering to prevent flashing as Width and Height


control (string/object) - the name of the control to access or the object reference to a control previously retrieved with the "C.Item(name)" property (access via a control requires the control reference to be a visible control, a table would cause an error)

Return Value

size- representing the current width and height values of the control.


See C.Width and C.Height


Example Setting a controls position normally and using this property

    '    OR
C.Size("Label1")=new size(400,20)    ' sets both

Example Reading Location Property

Dim sz as size= C.Size("Label1")
Dim WidthValue as integer = sz.Width
Dim HeightValue as integer = sz.Height