Asm is the built in Child object used to access "Assembly" level methods in the 3D CAD Environment.

The object does not need to be created, assigned to or stored directly.

It is used only as an organizational unit for all the methods in the main CAD object.

See the Sub Topics for Help specific to the members of the Assembly object

ALSO the ASM object inherits from the SOLID object, any methods defined in Solid are also available in the ASM object.


None. This is an object.

It provides complete methods, properties and possibly other objects.

Return Value

The object is of Type "CP.Client.AsmActionObject" but the type is exposed directly in script as a "AsmActionObject" type.

An Assembly is also considered a "Solid", which is a shared level of organization with a "Part".
Anything that can be done on a "Solid" can be done on both Parts and Assemblies.
Due to this the methods will be very similar and appear to overlap.


This object can only be retreived by using the CAD parent object followed by a "."

Eg.  CAD.Asm.Method(parameter)             ' not a real method call, just a structure example.


Access a method in the "Comp" object layer

Dim exist as boolean = CAD.Asm.Exists("Model1")
                        ' This method checks to see if the assembly by the name of  Model1 exists in the system.

Store a reference to the Asm object (just to demonstraite the object type and assignment format)

Dim A as CompActionObject = CAD.Asm
' at this point "A" can be used instead of "CAD.Asm" and will do the exact same thing.
Dim exist as boolean = A.Exists("Model1")