See CAD.FileHashCode for more details and a more useful similar purposeful function

This is the internal function which takes a list of items and generates an 8 character hex hash code that is present in the function "CAD.FileHashCode"

It generates ONLY the Hash Portion.


parameter(s) (objects) - One or more parameters or an array of parameters used to generate the hash code result. See examples for possible ways to pass this item. This is known as a "ParamArray" argument type in VB.

Return Value

An 8 character Hex Hash code such as ... "E430F5CB"


The algorythm used to generate the hash code is a version of the MD5 Hashing Family.

Changing only the order of the parameter values will also be seen as a new hash code (changed).

Hash Code generation is a case sensitive operation, Parameter of "VaLue" and "value" will generate different hash codes.


Create with a single simple parameter

Dim hc as string = CAD.HashCode("RULESOFT")
' will always generate the same hash due to the static value "RULESOFT"

Create a hash code with 2 control values from the questionnaire

Dim fn as string = CAD.HashCode( Q("Material Type"), V("Thickness") )
               ' if either value in the thickness control or the Material Type control change the hash-code will be different.